Ladies and Gentlemen, the Rambling Runner himself is our guest the Suite Run Podcast! We have a blast talking to Matt Chittim about everything from running to podcasting. Then we change lanes and talk all about living and running in Providence, RI! Matt gives us great recommendations on the best places to RUN, fun places to dine out, grab a beer, go to the legendary beaches and more. The smallest state in the U.S. is indeed mighty - let's go visit!

Don't miss this great conversation!

Matt's recommendations for Providence, RI:


1. Blackstone Blvd. (on the Eastern side of Providence). There is an island in the middle of the boulevard that has a toe path in the middle. Great place to run.
2. Arcadia State Park. Bunch of dirt roads, rolling hills - great trails.


1. Federal Hill is an institution in Rhode Island - great food (lots of Italian food!) in this area! Go to Siena Restaurant.
2. Iggy's (great clam cakes and fried fish)
3. Fluke (in Newport, RI - a 40 minute drive from Providence) - great seafood restaurant
4. Brickway On Wickenden (great breakfast!)
5. Pastiche (on Federal Hill - go for the best dessert!)
6. Caserta Pizza
7. Greggs (The best chocolate cake)
8. Allie's Donuts (Donut cake)
9. The Tiny Bar
10. The Hot Club (On the water - great for drinks. Go for the view)
11. Wild Colonial (for drinks. Casual)
12. The Trinity Brewhouse (They make their own beer - great spot! Next to the Dunkin Donuts Center).


1. Hotel Providence
2. Biltmore Hotel

Running Stores

1. Rhode Runner


1. The Nooseneck 18K (Starts and ends at a tavern. Very hilly and challenging).
Takes place at 10 AM on December 26th! No race entry free - put your name on a clipboard.


1. Block Island
2. Come for the Atlantic Ocean & beaches

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Where to find Matt Chittim:

The Rambling Runner Podcast

Matt Chittim on Instagram

The Rambling Runner on YouTube

Where to find Natalie and Jerold:

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